Not much has been going on this week. Fairly relaxed if I do say so myself. WE usually spend more time at the pool, but since Olivia had an ear infection and was on antibiotics all week I decided to take a break and let her ear fully heal before getting it under water again. She seems to be doing better as far as I can tell...although I didn't even know she HAD an ear infection in the first place so not sure I can be the judge.
We had a pretty decent weekend. Friday nite we took a late nap and woke up around 7pm. I was hungry for Mexican so we went to Las Palmas right by our house. The were so busy that people were waiting outside. We went on to Bryant and went to Casa Mexicana. By this time, Olivia was running fever and a little cranky so we ate quickly and ran to Walmart and bought a new thermometer. We have one that is useless so I wanted a new one. WE got one that does ear temperature and forehead temps. Pretty neat. I also got some children's tylenol while we were there. I didn't think Olivia was "sick" she does have 2 teeth coming in and a little bit of loose stools so I fiugred the fever was from that because she does this everytime she is teething. She ran fever all day Saturday but was fine for church this morning.
Saturday was July 26 and my youngest brothers 21st birthday!! I can't believe the baby of the family is 21! He has turned into such a handsome young man and is doing so well with his work and everything. Him and a group of friends went out that nite and I know they had a blast just from looking at all the pictures! Happy Birthday Uncle Ben!
I went to the grocery store on Saturday morning...fun fun. The only good thing about it was that Ben kept Olivia at home so I was able to shop all by myself...let me tell you...if you have ever taken an 18 month VERY active child to the grocery store you know what a treat going by yourself is!!! I took my time and actually enjoyed it! My receipt showed this too! But we are good for a couple weeks. I made a new meal that night too...Adrianne gave me her recipe for Mexican Lasagna. Turned out really good. We are enjoying new things, because our list of meals was getting old.
Got up and went to church this morning. Ben had to run the sound and the young adult worship team which I am on led worship this morning. Chris Truby was our special guest today so that is always nice. I love hearing him speak. Afterward we went out to lunch with James, Paula, James, Lauren, and Tyler. We ate at Mi Ranchita in Bryant...our new fav.
We decided that we were going to come home and take a nap and then get up and go to Wild River Country around 5 or so and stay til they close at 8pm. WELL...we didn't wake up til 6 so that was off the plan book. Ben stayed in bed, but Olivia and I got up and ate a sandwich and went back to bed until 10pm...oops. So now it's 12:30AM and we are all wide awake. Not so bad for Olivia and I since we can sleep in, but Ben still has to get up and go to work.
I am started to sell Arbonne now. I am very excited about the opportunity that it is and what it can do to help our family! We are in need of change and want to get out of some debt and other things so I believe this is the door that the LOrd has opened for us! My first "launch" parties are scheduled for August 7th and 8th at my house! Please spread the word and email me at oliviasmommy07@comcast.net if you are interested in coming and I don't have your address or email address. This is an invitation to everyone!! Please help me build my business!
That's all for now...hoping to get to Wild River Country on Tuesday and hope to have pictures of it for you to see...until then...love to all!
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