Well another week has come and gone. It's Friday night and as I am starting this blog Olivia is sitting in my lap, watching Blue's Clue's and eating salt and vinegar chips. She is definately my child!! She loves anything sour and fruity candy. Can't imagine why? Except that it is what I ate most of my whole pregnancy.
Olivia and I had a great day today. First we went to AR Blue Cross Blue Shield and had lunch with my mom/Mammaw. Olivia usually is very shy with everyone there, but today she was better. She actually got down and walked around and talked some. WE have been going up there since she was born but she always clung to me so we haven't gone in a long time. She was barely walking last time we visited, but decided it had been long enough and wanted to try again. We stopped and got lunch at Wendy's first and took it upstairs to mom's cubicle to eat. Olivia loves chicken nuggets but in trying to get her to warm up to them, all of mom's coworkers were giving her treats...so instead of her nuggets she had cheetos, smarties, and dumdum suckers. She loved all of it!! She was a very happy child when we left and Mrs. Kim gave her a sucker for the road. I have to admit it was a nice diversion from the fact that she didn't want in to be in her carseat. She road fairly quietly. Next stop was Adrianne's to scrapbook. Olivia played with Brett most of the afternoon while momma got 2 scrapbook pages done!! She got really cranky around 4 so I laid on Adrianne's bed with her and she fell right to sleep. She slept for about an hour and woke up very unhappy!! Momma packed up her stuff very quickly and we headed home. I left her sippy cup there so we had to stop at Burger King for a kid's meal and apple juice since she didn't really eat her lunch from earlier!!
We have been home since then just hanging out. Momma tried to lay down to rest but Daddy was on the phone with Tony and making all kinds of noise so that was out of the question. I have had a semi-headache all day so I sent Ben to Kroger for Imitrex. Now I won't be without it this weekend just in case I were to get a migraine.
Ben was playing with Olivia on the couch...well Olivia was on the couch and Ben was standing next to it and he kicked the couch very hard and knocked half his toenail off. That was interesting. He is now sporting 2 very cute Nemo tattoo bandaids.
Tomorrow evening we are going back to Adrianne's to babysit Brett and Tate for them to go to a wedding. Sunday morning is church and maybe we will try to get to Wild River Country since it didn't happen last week. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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