Not too much going on so far this week to report. My Monday was fairly uneventful. I did babysit a little girl from our church for a couple of hours for her grandma to go to an appointment. I will be keeping her again on next Monday. Amber is her name and she is 8. Olivia liked having the company even if it was only for a couple of hours.
Today we went over to Adrianne's and hung out for a few hours. Olivia loves playing with Tate and Brett and I enjoy getting out of the house. We didn't do anything really. Watched a movie and ate lunch. Adrianne needed to unpack from their vacation and likes having someone to talk to while doing it so I was happy to oblige. I will be keeping her boys next Tuesday so Adrianne can take our friend Sandy for a doctor's appointment. I love keeping Tate and Brett. They are 7 and 4 and sooo well behaved. I never have any issues with them. SOmetimes I keep them at their house, but sometimes they come to mine and we go to the pool. They love swimming. I have gone to Wild River Country with them too and that's alot of fun. Maybe I can take Olivia again soon. She loves it.
I did cook meatloaf for the very first time tonight. I used Adrianne's recipe since my mom swears she can't do a good meatloaf and it turned out really good. I liked it which says alot since I don't usually do hamburger meat unless on a burger. I also fixed corn on the cob, purple hull peas, and baby carrots and we had a tad bit of mashed potatoes left over from last nite. So we had a pretty decent dinner. Olivia loved the mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. She was so cute eating the corn. I think it was her first time to eat corn on the cob.
The only bad thing about cooking like that is the dishes afterwards. I am very blessed though because Ben will do the dishes if I do the cooking. He usually keeps the kitchen clean anyway. He is the kitchen man and I worry about the other stuff. FIne with me cuz I hate kitchen work. I did unload the clean dishes for him so he would have an empty dishwasher and put up all the left over food for him.
SO a pretty boring week so far...tomorrow (Wednesday) I have an appointment with Amy Darcey and Arbonne girl. I have been talking with her and Nicole about maybe selling Arbonne in addition to Pampered Chef. Don't know if it will work out yet...just trying to wait for God's leading. The extra money would be sooo helpful. We would like to get into a house of our very own soon. Although, we did just sign another year's lease but maybe we can get our finances in order to start heading in that direction. We love it here in Otter Creek but a yard for Olivia as she gets older is a must. I also have a bigger kitchen with a pantry and a bathroom with a jacuzzi tub on my list of must for a house.
So I am just rambling away...I do hear Olivia fussing a bit at her daddy. They have been playing really good, but she is getting tired and I am hearing "NO, NO, NO Dada!" a little more often!
Write again soon!
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