So I was looking and saw that it was like the 7th of September the last time I posted anything!!
This month has flown by and we have been super busy. I have been babysitting alot for friends and doing alot of stuff during the days with Olivia.
Olivia is now 20 months old! Only 4 more months til she turns 2! I am already looking at different ideas for her birthday party. I really want to do the Wonder Place but it's like 300 bucks for what I want!! Not too sure my husband would go for that!!
Nothing much to report as far as new things. Olivia is talking soo good and so much. She is putting her words together soo well. The cutest thing is when you say Thank you Olivia she replies with I welcome instead of your welcome...smart girl if you think about it.
We went to target today and she rode in the big part of the basket and was standing up facing out and every time we turned a corner and there was someone there she would say sorry. Like we were running into them or something. It was so funny. It was cracking up the people in the store. She talks to everyone these days. Unless I want her to of course. Whenever we are leaving a store and finish checking out she always tells the cashiers bye.
I have a tiny bit of a headache tonite so I am not going to write more. I will try to do better at posting. We have some exciting things coming up in the next few weeks that I will want to share...for example, my grandfather is getting married in a couple weeks!!
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