Wow! I am not doing very well at keeping up these days. No reason really, just haven't made this a priority! Sorry! :(
Let's see...where to start?
I will start with with this past week. On Monday night I had tambourine practice. It sounds funny to call it that right now since we don't do anything with the tambourine during practice. We are still working on getting our room at the new building finished. We didn't have a closet at all so one had to be built and we still aren't finished painting the new walls. So all of our clothes and stuff are still in the middle of the room just like the first day after we moved in. There is just so much to do and trying to get it all done in between stuff we are working on and everyone's busy schedules is very hard. We are working on a choreography for a new dance. We have been asked to dance in a wedding at the end of October. It should be very nice.
On Wednesday I woke up to our air conditioner being out. This wouldn't be that big of a deal expect that it was just out the week before. So Ben called the office and they said they would call on it first thing. I tried to wait around to see if they would come but by 1pm Olivia and I were burning up so we gave up. We ran to Walmart and then went to my parents house for the afternoon. Ben got home at 5pm and it was still hot in there so he called again and supposedly the AC people had been there but left. Guess it was more serious than what they thought. So Olivia and I spent the night at Mammaw and Pappaw's on the floor and Ben went to his Dad's house and spent the night there. It was fun having a sleep over at Mammaw and Grandad's for Olivia. When I got our palett laid out she thought it was the neatest thing and was running in circles all over it! As I was getting things out of our bag I suddenly felt something not so nice on my finger~I pulled it out and apparantly the cap had come off of my shaving razor and shaved a nice little chunk off the tip of my middle finger. It bled for a long time and I ended up having to put it on ice to get the bleeding to stop. After it did I put some neosporin plus pain on it and wrapped in in gauze and taped it up. It hurt!
Thursday Olivia and I got up and went to storytime at Terry Library with Nicole, Isaac, Carder, Adrianne, and Brett. IT was really different than our Bryant storytime as it was geared to older kids but Olivia still seemed to enjoy it and so did the other kiddos. Craft time is her favorite besides singing which they didn't do too much of there. After storytime we all went to Burger King for lunch and let the kiddos play on the playground outside. We stayed until Olivia was too fussy for mommy to handle. Adrianne had to go to Tate's school so I took Brett with me and we went back to his house and played Wii. If you haven't ever played the Wii~you need to!! It is such fun!! And semi-active for a video game!!
All day Ben had been calling the office at the apartments trying to find out the status of our AC. Finally at 4 I got the call that our apartment was all cool! YEA!! So we ran by my parents house and got all of our stuff and we back home. It was so nice to be back in a cool place!! You don't realize how much you take it for granted until it's gone!
Friday I HAD to stay home and get our house clean because I am having a Premier Jewelry party on Sunday. I got my bathroom all clean, but not much else. I had a headache most of the day so that kept me from getting as much done as I would have wanted to. We stayed at home and relaxed on Friday as a family. I cooked dinner and Ben did dishes...that's always nice.
Today...Saturday...I stayed home all day too and worked on the house. Finally at 9pm it was all clean...carpets shampooed and floors mopped! Although, I hate housework, I love it when it is all clean and you have that sense of accomplishment! I am looking forward to the jewerly party tomorrow after church. Hopefully I will have a decent turnout!
I haven't taken as much pictures lately because my camera is dead and the charger is in the back of a friends car and I have a different phone that doesn't take very good pictures. Hopefully I will get some soon!
Oh and Olivia is very into Spidyman right now. We spent some time with the Stone boys last weekend aned thye have everything Spidyman so Olivia caught on!

It is funny seeing her in her pj's. She is too cute~!
She is repeated EVERYTHING now!! And even saying some stuff we have no idea where it came from!! The other day she told her daddy to shub bup!!! He got onto her while I hid my laughing. Although not nice it was kinda funny! She is now expressing herself very well when she disagrees with you too. She says, "hmmph" and crossing her arms in front of her and frowns. it was cute at first but not so much now.
Olivia can count to 10 pretty much on her own!! She stumbles a little around 5 and 6 but then picks right back up with 7, 8, 9, 10. It is amazing!! She really is smart!
Oh and my finger is doing ok...really not that bad after keeping it covered for a couple days! Dora bandaids rock!!
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