We went to storytime at the library again today. Olivia was so much more interactive this time. She even let me put her down and participated!!She loves singing all the songs. She did better listening to the story this time probably because it was called The Wheels on the Bus and that is one of her favorites. The craft this time was a backpack. The teacher made the backpack out of construction paper and ribbon and Olivia colored all the supplies and we glued them in the backpack. She is very proud of it!
After storytime we went over to our church...it is right next door to the Bryant Library, where Adrianne was working and she went with us over to Mills Park and we walked on the trail there. She is doing something called Letter Boxing so we went looking for the hidden clue. It is kind of like a treasure hunt/scavenger hunt. Pretty interesting. Olivia loved being outside and walking in the grass. You could definately tell she is not one that spends alot of time outside. Maybe when it gets cooler her momma will take her out more. I am sooo not an outdoor person when it is hot...unless we are by a pool.
I went to the church tonite and we worked again on getting the tambourine room painted. We have been in the new building since May but haven't gotten our room ready yet. We had to have a closet built and then paint the room and stuff. We have finally gotten the closet painted...it was one of our last things we have to do before putting up shelves and racks and stuff for all of our stuff. Right now all of our stuff is still in boxes in the middle of the room. It will be so nice to have it all finished.
I am taking Olivia to the doctor tomorrow to have her ears checked. She has been kind of croupy sounding and had a runny nose so I just want to have them checked since last time I had no clue she had an ear infection. Better safe than sorry right!!
I will try to post tomorrow to let everyone know what the doc says...hopefully we will get a great report.
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