Just had to share the latest Olivia story.
This morning I got her ready for church. She wore this adorable red sailor type dress with white sandals. Her hair was in pigtails with little red bows for each "tail" She looked super cute. I, of course, am saying "Oh Olivia you look so cute" trying to encourage her to leave her hair alone and her shoes on.
A little bit later I was in my closet searching for something to wear myself and Olivia walks in she says, "Mommy!!" I say, "yes, Olivia" and she says, "Mommy, I cute!" I replied of course with what every parent would say, "Yes you are too cute!"
I thought it was so adorable that she said that. Of course, she had been hearing me tell her that so she was really just repeating it...but who cares!! She is just too cute!! I had to share!
She did so much better during praise and worship today!! She played with her tambourine and streamer. I still had to go out during the sermon..we will deal with that later. We have a nursery but it has all boys in there and a few are wild so I am not ready to put her in there yet. Maybe soon.
She is so cute. Every time I read about her, I just have to smile cuz I still can't believe your a mom. My, how time changes things!
I can't believe she's a mom either!
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