The first is~Last nite Ben was sitting on his couch playing a video game and I was sitting on my couch watching him and playing with my new phone while Olivia was over in the dining room playing with her kitchen. She only had her diaper on because I had already taken her clothes from the day off and just hadn't put her pj's on yet. All of a sudden she walks over to us and has NO diaper on, NO clothes on, NOTHING!!! she is NAKED!! She just stands in front of us and smiles. Before I even say anything to her I look over and Ben and we both look at each other like what in the world?!?! I then ask Olivia why in the world she took her diaper off? She looks at me and very simply states, "I wanna take a bath mommy" Well then, okay. It was so cute all I could do was laugh as I got up and started the bath water. I did talk to her about how we don't just take our diaper off and walk around. My biggest concern was her peeing all over the floor...another reason I need to work on potty training!!! UGH!!! I keep reminding myself that I was potty trained by the time I was 18 months...we are a tad behind!
Tonite Olivia was sitting on my stomach and she pointed at my shirt and said, "what's that mommy?" I assumed she was asking about what was ON my shirt so I said that's Jesus~because I am wearing a Christian tee about Jesus...She preceded to say, "Noooo, it's a shirt" Duh Mom!!
She is so funny these days. She is talking so good and in full sentences. She says sooo many words. Among those words are: Amazing, beautiful, and many more. She continues to amaze me daily. She can say her ABC's all by herself and can count to 10 all by herself. She sings sooo many songs. Her latest that she has started singing out of the blue this week is One Two Buckle My Shoe. I took her to the doctor today because she has a pretty bad cough and for the first time since she was itty bitty she didn't cry at all when they were examining her!! I was sooo proud of her. It may have been because Pop came with us or because we saw a different doctor that was a woman, but she was such a big girl!!! She is just growing up so fast!
Tomorrow we are supposed to have a playdate at Burger King with our Benton Playgroup to celebrate all of our January birthdays and Olivia is one of them so I am hoping that we both feel up to going. Olivia's is just a cold and my sinus' are acting up again so I haven't been feeling great either. Olivia needs to see her friends though and MOmmy needs to see some adult friends so we are going to try really hard.
I am going to leave you with a couple recent pics. Enjoy!!