Can you believe it's September already?!?! I can't! It seems like just yesterday it was January 15 and we were celebrating Olivia's 1st birthday! Now it is almost time to celebrate her 2nd birthday!! Time definately flies.
We had a great Labor day weekend. I babysat a 10 month old baby boy, TJ. His mommy and me have been friends since she was 10 and I was 13 or so. We lived next door to each other for a long time. TJ stayed with us this weekend so his mommy and daddy could have some much needed vacation time. Olivia loved having the bay-bay to play with. They hugged on each other all weekend. It was too cute.

Monday, Labor Day, we went to Grammy and Paw Paw Pete's for lunch. This is Ben's mom and step-dad. Ben's brother, James, fiance' Lauren, and her son Tyler came over too. Olivia just loves Tyler and always has. James and Lauren are getting married in December and Olivia is going to be a flowergirl. I am excited about that. James has 2 kids from his previous marriage, Kaelyn and Christian, but they were with their momma for the holiday. We ate ribs, chicken, hot dogs, baked beans, cole slaw, corn on the cob, bread, and pina coloda cake. So we were stuffed!! Olivia was shy at first but warmed up when Tyler got there. She even got down with Paw Paw Pete and Tyler and played with the blocks. After we ate, we sat around and visited for a while and watched Tyler and Olivia play. It was a nice time.

After lunch we ran by Target and picked up a few things then went home and took a nap. After a long nap, we went over to my parents, Mammaw and Grandad's house and had dinner. Mammaw had fixed homemade chicken strips, fries, and blackeyed peas. Uncle Trey, Casey, and Uncle Ben were all there. It was a nice time with everyone there. We don't get alll of my family in one place much anymore.
That nite around midnite I was awakened by Olivia throwing up. She sleeps with us so me and her were already in bed sound asleep. Ben was still up. She threw up all over our bed and the floor on the way to the bathroom. We finally made it to the toilet and she threw up a few more times after that. She finally fell back asleep around 2am and slept the rest of the nite. She was so pitiful though. I would ask her if she was ok and she would shake her head no. I felt so bad and so helpless. I would rather be sick the rest of my life than have her sick 1 minute.

At first I thought it was a virus, but then wondered if it was because she drank some white grape juice that day and she never does that. On Tuesday she was fine all day long. She played and ate like normal. You would have never known she was sick. Since Ben was up with us late he stayed home from work on Tuesday. He was my hero because while I tended to Olivia and sat with her in the bathroom he stripped the bed down and washed all the sheets and pillow cases and cleaned the floor. He was great!!
Then on Tuesday nite at midnite I was awakened to Olivia throwing up again!! Same time, same place!! In my bed again! So I rushed her to the bathroom and I sat with her. She didn't throw up as much as the nite before so that was better but I am still worried about why she is doing it. Ben was my hero again and cleaned up the mess. She was sick for about 45 minutes and then she was up playing. She has been fine today all day again. So I am ruling out the virus and the juice because today she drank her normal juice yesterday. So maybe it is reflux and when she drinks her juice laying down at bedtime then that is why? Not sure why it would just start though? She did have acid reflux when she was a baby though. So we have been dealing with this. I am going to try to prop her up tonite and not give her anything to drink before bed and see if that makes a difference. If she still wakes up throwing up then I will be calling the pediatrician tomorrow morning. So we are praying that she will be fine and that it is just a fluke thing.
That's about all that has gone on so far this week. Semi enjoying all this rain. It's fine as long as you can stay at home during the day snuggled up on the couch watching tv. It's not much fun if you are out in it. It is a little cooler though so that is nice. I hate freezing cold weather, but am not too fond of the 100 degree weather either so this break is nice. Just wish fall would last a little longer than it does.
We will see what the rest of the week holds. Until then...
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