So I took Olivia for her 18 month check-up today and 15 month shots. Yes, I was 3 months late getting her last shots. I do have a good reason though...the last couple times she has been to the doctor she has had ear infections and today was no different. I'll get to that in a minute.
We had an appointment at 9:30. I got there only a couple minutes early thinking I wouldn't have to wait very long. WRONG!! I guess with it being Friday and everyone wanting to get their kids in before the weekend and all. By 10:10 not only was I getting restless but so was my 1 and 1/2 year old. Finally we get called back by the sweetest nurse so I'm thinking maybe Olivia won't freak out this time.
She was kinda whining a little bit when the nurse had me strip her down to her diaper and told me she would be right back. But by the time she came back and we had her laying down on the table to get her length she was freaking out. This was not even the hard part of the check-up We went on to get her head circumference and her weight. I was very curious about her weight because she has been 20lbs since she turned 1. Today was a little better...she was 21lbs 2oz. I was still a little concerned that the doctor would see this as a problem. Her length was 30 inches and her head was 18 and 1/2. The nurse left and I tried to soothe this hysterical baby girl. She finally got okay and was getting down off of my lap and checking out the stool in the room when in walks the doctor. I had thought I was seeing a different doctor but we ended up seeing Dr. Annulis which is who we had seen her whole first year. She is okay, I just prefer a couple of the other ones. No big deal since this was only a check up.
My calm child now freaks again. But this time it's worse. She cried during the questions the doctor was asking me. She was across the room and Olivia is still freaking out. She asked the normal is she eating, walking, talking, sleeping, off bottles, you know just generic questions. Then she had to examine her. That was difficult. I had to hold her still just for her to listen to her breathing! Everything was fine until she checked her right ear. Dr. Annulis looks at me and says, "has she been pulling on her ear?" "no" I replied. She goes on to tell me this is not just a minor infection but one that definately needs to be treated. Talk about making me feel sooo small as a mother. How could I miss this? I am with her 24/7. She hasn't been cranky or anything. We go swimming alot so the times I have seen her mess with her ears is after swimming when water would be in them.
So we finish up the exam and she says that the nurse will be back in to give her shots. Greeaat!!!
Olivia calms down a little bit again and in walks 2 nurses. She immediately starts up again. The way they do it is place her on the end of the table and pin her legs between the table and their body and I hold her upper body. So we do it and she fights and screams and we have to really hold her. They get the 2 shots done. One in each thigh and that's all there is to it. The nurse comments on her temper. I grab her up and love on her and she lays her head on my shoulder and stops crying immediately! I hear the nurses telling each other as they are leaving that she is soo small but soo strong! My precious little girl who must have her daddy's temper!
So that was my experience today. Believe it or not that was only an hour out of my whole day!
Hopefully the antibiotics will take care of the ear infection and we can get back in the pool soon. Olivia loves floating around with her arm floaties and jumping in from the side. I'll try to add some pictures so everyone can see.
1 comment:
What a great idea! You are an awesome wife and mother.
I love you babe!!
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